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Dissidia 012 Squall Leonhart

Dissidia SquallSquall Leonhart is one of the heroes fighting on the side ofCosmos in Dissidia Final Fantasy and Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. A cold taciturn youth who wields a gunblade, a weapon part sword and part gun. He is a master of combos, able to chain together a myriad of attacks. Squall is a loner who is focused on finding the crystals and defeating his nemesis,Ultimecia. During his travels he is torn between fulfilling his duty and protecting his friends, Zidane and Bartz, who are being targeted by Ultimecia's allies.

Twelfth cycle

Prior to the conflict beginning, Squall accompanied Firion and Laguna on patrol and they found a wild rose. After Firion takes the flower and runs off, Laguna talks to Squall about their new friends and tries to talk him out of being a loner. When Squall questions why he needs to make friends on the battlefield, Laguna mimics Squall's voice to mock him. Laguna says that even though Squall and he were both born in the same world, they will be separated. He appears later at the World of Darkness, attempting to strike up a conversation withLightning, who is speaking with Firion.
Squall appears in the Phantom Train with Laguna, Vaan, and the Onion Knight and is exasperated over being stuck with Laguna and Vaan. At an unknown point in the story Squall, Zidane, and Vaan meet Gilgamesh, but none remember him.
Squall accompanies Bartz as Zidane introduces them to Kuja, where Squall doubts Kuja's allegiance, suspecting him of being Chaos's minion. When Kefka confirms his suspicions, Squall and the others attack Kuja. They are defeated, but are allowed to escape. Later, Squall is defeated by Kain and put to sleep for the following cycle.

Thirteenth cycle

Dissidia Squall and Bartz
Squall advising Bartz.
As Cosmos explains the need for the crystals, she transmits illusions of herself to her warriors separated into small groups due to the battle. Squall, the only warrior save for the Warrior of Light to be on his own, embarks on his quest without concern for its difficulty. He meets Zidane and Bartz but rejects their offer to join forces after saving them from manikins. As they depart, Bartz forces a chocobo feather on him, offering it as a good luck charm. Squall travels alone to the Planet's Core where Ultimecia, under the guise of Cosmos, questions his rejection and hints at how to get his crystal.
As Ultimecia convinces Garland to assist her, Squall starts to doubt his decision from Ultimecia's previous questioning. Kefka convinces Kuja to capture Squall at the Rift to further Kuja's plans to capture Zidane. Things do not go according to plan and Kuja is defeated and gives up on capturing Squall, telling him to wait for the second act. Squall rejects the thought of trying to warn Zidane and Bartz due to his current situation to find the crystals and continues on.
Squall and WoL standoff
Warrior of Light confronts Squall.
Squall meets the Warrior of Light as his travel leads him to the Crystal World, where Warrior of Light challenges him to prove his conviction of traveling alone. Squall defeats him and says that grouping up is not the only way of cooperation. Warrior of Light accepts this and leaves, reminding Squall he is not alone in the war.
Ultimecia appears in the Old Chaos Shrine and commends on Squall's cold resolve to find his crystal as he had neglected to help Zidane, and thought feelings were inconsequential to the task at hand. Bewildered, he backs down as Ultimecia allows him to go free, saying the time for their confrontation is close at hand. As he continues down his path, Squall confirms to himself what is important to him — his duty.
Confronting Ultimecia at her castle, he explains what he did was not out of abandonment or selfish desire, but because of a call of duty. Garland appears and challenges Squall to fight them both, but Zidane appears and tackles Garland aside, leaving Squall and Ultimecia to fight alone. After Ultimecia is defeated and Squall obtains his crystal, Zidane explains he had come across him while looking for Bartz, who has fallen into a trap. Squall decides to help Zidane look for Bartz and pulls out the chocobo feather, saying he has to return it, as his crystal points the way towards Bartz's location.
As the two arrive at Planet's Core they run into Bartz, who explains what happened to him. Showing them the crystal he had stolen, Squall notices something suspicious about it. Zidane touches it as Squall attempts to warn him and is teleported away into another trap. As they are searching for Zidane at the Rift, Bartz resents being so easily fooled but Squall returns the lucky feather and assists Bartz as Exdeath appears.
Though Squall offers to take the villain down himself, Bartz declines, saying he must gain the strength to defeat Exdeath and not someone else. Upon Exdeath's defeat, the lucky feather turns into the crystal Bartz was searching for. His journey complete, Squall remains with Bartz and Zidane, who escaped his trap by defeating Kuja.
Dissidia Cloud Squall Tidus
Cloud, Tidus, and Squall talking.
While the three come to rest at Dream's End, having collected their crystals, they share the stories on how each of them acquired them, with Squall saying he had obtained his crystal through the hope born from Cosmos's words. Regrouping with the others, Squall is forced to listen to Tidus's story alongsideCloud as they look for the Warrior of Light.
Squall and Zidane rejoin the other eight warriors as they approach Warrior of Light in Order's Sanctuary, where Cosmos awaits, only to inform them they are too late. A fully-powered Chaos incinerates Cosmos and with her death, the side of harmony begins to fall, light being consumed into the Void, including the warriors themselves, as a gloating Chaos looks on. Protected by the crystals' power the warriors do not disappear permanently, and reappear in Order's Sanctuary. As the world begins to crumble they make their way to the Edge of Madness, defeating the Chaos warriors along the way.
They learn more of the war's endless cycle, and that their worlds are to vanish. Cloud theorizes that if they save this world, their worlds would be saved as well and Squall is thinking along the same lines, recalling a promise he had made to someone waiting for him back home. Later on he, along with Cloud and the Warrior of Light, notes the world is nearing its end, and they have to defeat Chaos to end the cycle.
Squall confronts Ultimecia in her castle where she tells him Cosmos's final wish was fulfilled when she died, and that Chaos will soon follow. Squall learns Ultimecia wants to create a world of compressed time where everything would exist eternally. Squall, wishing to fulfill the promise he made with the person waiting back home, engages her in combat to stop her and emerges victorious. As she begins to fade Ultimecia still attempts to compress time, forcing Squall to kill her off.
Squall and the Feather
Squall grabs a feather before returning to his world.
After killing Ultimecia, Squall travels to the realm of Chaos in the Edge of Madness with the other warriors of light and confronts Chaos. Upon the god's defeat, the previously destroyed worlds are reformed and balance is restored between Chaos and Cosmos. Squall, along with the other heroes, finds himself in Cornelia of World A before fading back to his own world while catching a white feather, stating that maybe one day they can all go on another journey together.

Official Quests

"Squall's Quest 012: The Shadow I Know I Saw" concerns Squall during the 12th cycle. Traveling with the Onion Knight, the two discuss Laguna and Vaan and their mutual problem of talking too much. Squall claims he and Laguna don't know each other, but Laguna likes to talk regardless of the listener. The two look for Laguna and Vaan, and Squall comes across Cloud who hints that they have met in a previous cycle, but Squall's memories of the encounter have been purified.
After they battle Cloud leaves, and Squall sees Laguna whose voice responds to Squall from behind him, and Squall brushes off the sighting of the other Laguna as a shadow. However, it was a manikin, and Squall's sighting of it was the first time a Warrior of Cosmos saw one. "Kain's Quest 012: A Dragoon's Betrayal", following Kain, concerns his encounter with Squall where he defeats Squall in battle to put him to sleep like the other Warriors of Cosmos. 

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