วันพุธที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Dissidia 012 Basic tips

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy Basic Tips


Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (or "Duodecim" for short) isn't your average fighting game. Instead of confusing special move combos, Duodecim relies on attacks performed with a single button press. There are two types: Bravery attacks and HP attacks. Bravery attacks earn you points, and the number of bravery points you have is displayed on screen. When you perform an HP attack, the number of bravery points you have is deducted from your opponent's HP. It's easy math and, unlike other fighting games, it means you'll never get carpal tunnel syndrome trying to do a Hadouken.
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That doesn't mean you won't have a wide array of attacks to choose from, though. Under Abilities in the customization menu, you'll be able to select each character's attacks by assigning moves to open slots. When you begin the game, you'll only have a few attacks and the slots will be pre-filled, but as you earn new attacks, you'll fill slots based on analog stick movement. Pointing the analog stick toward the enemy while attacking is one slot, pointing it away from them is another, and not using the analog stick is a third. You'll fill this group of three slots for four move types (ground HP attacks, mid-air HP attacks, ground Bravery attacks, and mid-air Bravery attacks), making for twelve assigned slots total.
Range — As you assign attacks in the Abilities menu, each is labeled as Close, Mid, or Long, indicating how close you'll need to be to your opponent in order to successfully use the attack. As you level up, you'll earn new attacks to assign to these slots, and you'll want to pay close attention to each attack's range depending on your style of play.


Some attacks will also trigger Chase mode, which creates a simplified battle in mid-air. Instead of using your pre-selected attacks, a Chase will only give you the choice of one HP attack and one Bravery attack, allowing you to hit your opponent with one or the other. If your opponent dodges, they'll have the same chance to hit you with an HP or Bravery attack, and you'll have the same chance to dodge. The Chase will end when either player successfully lands an HP attack, but they can go on for quite a while if both fighters successfully dodge or if the only hits are Bravery attacks. Once you've played through a few of these, you'll begin to understand the timing and eventually you'll nail them every time.
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Ending a Chase — If your opponent initiates a Chase and you want to get out of it, dodge their attack and simply don't use an attack on your turn. You'll fall to the ground, allowing you to continue the battle normally.


Beyond those core mechanics, the tide of battle can also be turned by attacks known as EX Bursts. Shiny bells called EX Cores will appear in battle, and collecting enough of them will fill up your EX Gauge. Once this is filled, you can activate EX Mode to unleash a devastating series of attacks against your opponent. These mostly entail quick-time events and timed button presses, and perfection will result in major damage.
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EX Revenge - EX Revenge allows you to sacrifice your EX Gauge in order to break out of an opponent's combo and turn the tables by attacking them. Using EX Revenge will completely empty your EX Gauge, so we recommend only using it as a last resort.
Duodecim also features a new game-changer in the form of Assists. These can be either offensive or defensive and allow you to call in another character for help. As you perform attacks, you'll slowly fill the Assist Gauge and once it's full you'll be able to bring in an ally to perform a single HP or Bravery attack. Assists can give you an incredible strategic advantage, and it's to your benefit to learn to time them well.
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Summons - While Assists are Duodecim's new hotness, they work in addition to the first game's Summon system rather than replacing it. Summonstones can still be obtained and summoned during battle, and they remain a major factor in forming your fighting strategy.


Learning how to use accessories can give you exactly the edge you need to win close battles. There are four types to know and love, but Basic and Booster accessories are the most important to understand early on. Basic accessories give you a specific effect, such as an increase in damage or defense. Booster accessories modify a Basic accessory with a multiplier named in the description. For the multiplier to work, certain conditions must be met. For example, let's say you have a Basic accessory equipped that grants 5% extra damage and a Booster accessory that grants a 2.0 multiplier if your bravery is over 500. If your bravery is at 499, you'll only have that 5% increase to damage. If your bravery is at 501, you'll have a 10% increase instead. The more accessories you have equipped, the more multipliers you can use to increase the Basic accessory's effect. During battle, your accessory bonuses and multipliers are indicated in the top left of the screen, and your opponent's are indicated in the top right.
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Special Accessories have a specific effect but can't be modified by Booster Accessories. They're also fragile and often have a high chance of breaking after a specific number of uses. Trading Accessories offer a negligible stat increase but can be used to trade for accessories and equipment in the shop, and are often essential for obtaining the best equipment.
Extra Accessory Slots - If you come across a Rosetta Stone, don't equip it! Instead, trade it in the shop for an extra accessory slot. Each character can earn up to ten accessory slots from Rosetta Stones, and having all of them can make multiplier effects devastating.

